Famous vegan celebrities: 5 stars you didn’t know were vegan

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vegan celebrities

From Michelle Pfeiffer to Natalie Portman and Demi Moore, here are Hollywood’s most famous vegan celebrities.
Being vegan is a choice of life that regulates not only what must contain the pantry (zero animal derivatives, not even milk or eggs) but also what must be in the closet
(only faux leather and synthetic materials, no leather, fur, feathers, neither wool nor silk) and in the cabinet above the sink (vegan certified cosmetics and absolutely
cruelty-free, there’s not even to say).

Among the followers of the vegan cult, many Hollywood stars claim that changing their diet has drastically changed their life.
It seems even the world-famous chef Gordon Ramsay wants to be a vegan, he said on Twitter.
Waiting for him to join the kilometer-long list, here are the 5 most famous and influential vegan VIPs.

Michelle Pfeiffer - One of the most famous vegan celebrities

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Michelle Pfeiffer is one of the most militant and boastful vegans in Hollywood. The star has eliminated from her diet (and her wardrobe) any animal derived from years.
It even seems that in youth the celebrity was part of a breatharianism cult that believed in living without food or water.

The actress credits vegan eating for helping her look her best.
“Eating a vegan diet—it’s just so much healthier—and you avoid a lot of toxins that could age your skin and your body,” she told Urbanette.
“I really noticed a difference in my skin not too long after switching to fully vegan.”

Anne Hathaway - For her wedding the whole menu was strictly cruelty-free

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Anne Hathaway has followed a vegetarian diet for years but since 2012 she has converted to veganism in the round.
For her wedding with Adam Shulman she offered a strictly vegan banquet.

The actress feels so passionately about her veganism that, playing the character of Fantine in the film Les Misérables, wore vegan shoes (boots without animal leather,
made with vegetable eco-leather). A virtuous choice that also won her an Oscar.

Natalie Portman - The actress has her own brand of vegan footwear.

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Vegetarian since childhood, Natalie Portman has always fought for animal rights and in 2009, after reading “Eating Animals” by Jonathan Safran Foer, she decided to become vegan.
She not only follows a vegan diet, but also does not wear fur, feathers or leather. Only during pregnancy, she temporarily returned to vegetarianism because she feared
that the vegan diet was too drastic to follow in the nine months of gestation.

Demi Moore - Yoga and raw food to look great

Demi Moore is one of the celebs following a raw vegan diet based on the consumption of raw foods, mainly fruits and vegetables, in order to keep intact all the
nutritional properties without altering them with cooking.
Demi often speaks about vegan diets and how they shouldn’t be used as a “get skinny now” method. Instead, she sees it as a way to get and stay healthy.

Madonna - The music icon reportedly follows a strict vegan macrobiotic diet

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Her personal trainer told the Daily Mail that staples in her diet are cold-pressed juices, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains like quinoa.
If you’re convinced that you need to switch things up, check out these easy vegan dinner ideas!

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